We gear up for the Fe y Alegría Congress

“Come on, we want to hear from you. We want you to participate so that this movement has a defining moment in Madrid”. The General Coordinator of the International Federation of Fe y Alegría, Carlos Fritzen, S.J., thus extended an invitation to the XLV Fe y Alegría Congress, which will be held from 28 September to 1 October in Madrid.
After his time at Entreculturas, Carlos Fritzen shared the main topics that will be addressed at the Congress, with new borders one of the highlights of this event. “We believe this issue is a pertinent one. It will be a good opportunity for all of us to get involved in the discussion and generate the frameworks that place and update us in terms of the new borders as a global movement”.
The General Coordinator also explained the role and importance young people have within the context of the Congress’s topics. “We are confident that their contribution to the upcoming Congress will be from their perspective and requests. They are obviously the leaders and the great hope, because of their creativity, imagination. They are the key to dialogue with the other generations of the Fe y Alegría family”.
Leading up to the Congress, on 28 September Fe y Alegría’s Generation 21 Network will hold a meeting for young people to address issues including culture of peace, gender equality, development of citizen capacity, inclusive public quality education, and the environment.
Fe y Alegría representatives from the Federation’s 22 countries in Latin America, Africa, and Europe, will bring the Congress to life on 29 and 30 September in El Escorial, Madrid.
On 1 October, under the name “2030 Agenda: The challenge of an education that changes the world”, the challenges and proposals for achieving SDG 4 and the specific educational challenges with the most vulnerable groups will be addressed.